Travel Guitars
Here is the only complete guide to electric Travel guitars. Who makes Travel guitars? What sizes are Travel Guitars? Where can I find a travel guitar? Can I build my own travel guitar? We will answer these questions. Find the only travel guitar length comparison sheet on the web right here.
Travel Guitars should be small, compact, short and easily taken on vacation. They should fit easily in an airliner overhead compartment. You find most of the popular models here. Also, this is the only site where you find a comparison of the overall lengths of these Travel Guitars. There are also links to some DIY sites.
When you travel you will probably really miss playing. Bringing a full-size guitar on vacation can be an issue. This page is the result of my research into travel guitars. Not all the guitars on this page are still produced but you may find one used for a great deal.
The famous Chiquita has been around for quite a while since 1979 I believe. The first thing you’ll notice is that most manufacturers of travel guitars do not quite understand the concept. A travel guitar must small enough to fit in an airplane’s overhead compartment. Ideally small enough to fit in a backpack. So far the concept winner is the Lapstick
As a guide, the overall length of a Fender Strat is about 40”.

Lapstick uses a rather clever concept. Instead of being tuned to E, the guitar is tuned to A. It’s as if you had a capo on the 5th fret. Although this is limiting, they can keep the overall length short. Most of my favourite soloing positions are here anyway. There are some YouTube videos where the player has tuned his Lapstick to E with excellent results. The overall length is 19.9″.
Hofner shorty is a bit long at 32.5″ This model was discontinued and recently re-issued. The least expensive of the lot. The Hofner shorty web site
The Palm is 26″ and weighs in at 3.4 lbs. The Chiquita is 27.5” Chiquita These are the first travel guitars to have ever come out. You might remember Michael J Fox playing one in Back to The Future.
The lap axe is the latest contender 20.3″ and it looks like a close competitor of the Lapstick
Washburn Maverick BTM is just shy of 33″ a bit long but still compact.
I like their recent model the Ultra-light. It’s 28″ in total length but it’s very compact. The list price is reasonable.

Some others that don’t focus on being “Travel Guitars” are made by Lazer and Steinberger. The Steinberger SS-2F is 31.75″ a hair shorter than some of the so-called “Travel guitars”.
( Note: I recently bought a used Traveler Ultra-light. It was left-handed but I easily reversed the nut and the saddle. The piezo pick-up’s wire was damaged so I replaced it with one that cost me about $1.50. It was sold as a pair for less than $3.00US shipping included. It was slightly too long so I cut carefully. I still have to bore holes in the side to accommodate the metal bar. )
I recently found the Vorson models. Over is 27″ and like the Lapstik it is tuned to A. Prices vary between $139 to $300 US. Do your shopping before buying one.

Please note that the opinions I have seen on 3/4 or smaller guitars are that they are hard to tune. Consider this if you put a capo on a standard guitar you are effectively shortening the scale. This is why they advise that you tune in G or A.
Here is a novel idea on an existing theme. This guitar folds into a small pack, possibly the smallest yet. The prices are far from the smallest but you have to weigh convenience vs price.
If you check the chart below you’ll know that the above statement is not true. They are not exactly cheap at $738 US.
Stew-Mac sells a couple of kits that fall into the Travel category.

Jamstik+ The SmartGuitar. App-Based Digital Guitar and Teaching System. Great for Learning Guitar, Traveling, or Composing in the Studio.
Source: Jamstik+ Portable SmartGuitar
This is a midi controller but could be the ideal travel guitar.
Now, this guy at Circuits and strings has the correct idea.
DIY may be the best cost-saving idea. This guy shows us how he did it. It’s a bit too involved for my skills but very enlightening.

Here is a guide comparison of the various lengths of Travel Guitars. The Fender Strat is here for comparison
travel guitars brands | overall length in Inches | |
lapstick | 19.9 | |
lapaxe | 20.3 | |
Microstar | 25.5 | |
Palm | 26 | |
Vorson | 27 | |
Chiquita | 27.5 | |
Traveler Ultra light | 28 | |
Stewmac mini’s | 28.5 | |
epi roadie | 29 | |
Steinberger SS-2F | 31.75 | |
Anygig | 32 | |
Hofner Shorty | 32.5 | |
Maverick BTM | 33 | |
Ministar | 33 | |
Fender Strat | 39.25 |